Design Development Documents

    After an initial consultation we can make arrangements to create design development plans. This process starts by defining the priorities and program of the design. We place great importance on this phase for each project. This is where the real creative energy of the design is shaped and expressed.

Contract Documents

    Once the design development is completed and agreed upon, concept drawings can be created. These drawings are used by a landscape contractor or the client to accurately install the garden as it is drawn.  Fees charges are, of course, dependent on the scale and complexity of the project.

Installation Assistance

    After the concept plans are drawn and a contractor selected, we are, of course, available to assist with the installation of the project. This includes ensuring that the contractors install the garden as it is drawn, and helping to make any necessary adjustments. Fees are generally calculated as a percentage of the installed cost of the landscape.

© 2023 Forbes Land Design, Nicholas Thayer. All rights reserved.

Design Development Document

Contract Document

Realized design